Welcome to Marc Rosenberg’s Blog!

Welcome to my new Blog!

If you liked my newsletter, if you read any of the 150+ articles I’ve written for leading CPA journals, if you’re one of the hundreds who have purchased my Monographs, then you will LOVE my new Blog.

Every day, I think about something that CPA firm partners are interested in hearing.  But with traditional outlets, it took months to communicate those thoughts to you.  Now, my Blog will get these thoughts to you in hours or days instead of months.

I’m excited about the opportunity to share my experiences consulting with CPA firms, attending conferences, reading publications and exploring the blogosphere! Please don’t hesitate to share your reactions to the issues raised.  You’ll find a “comment/reply” button following all of my posts.

Please sign-up to be notified by email when I make a new blog entry.  Simply go to the  “email subscription” box at the top of the right side of my blog home page. Enter your email address in the email subscription box, click submit and your “in.”  Alternatively, you can subscribe using the RSS feed, also on the upper right.

I hope you enjoy the blog!

My best,

Marc Rosenberg, CPA

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