Yahoo! Hits Accountants Below the Belt

The July 16, 2012 homepage for Yahoo! printed an article “Six Careers For People Who Don’t Like People.”  As I read the article, my worst fear was realized:  Heading the list was “Accountants.”  The author, Jennifer Berry, quoted Nancy Ancowitz, a business coach and author of “Self Promotion for Introverts.”  Says Ancowitz:  “Are you happier focusing on spreadsheets versus listening to coworkers or customers talking all day?  [If so] Consider career options in accounting.” 

This article is an affront to all accountants who have been battling this image problem for decades.  It enraged me so that I wrote Ancowitz a letter and copied Yahoo!’s president.  Here is my letter.

Dear Ms. Ancowitz:

I am writing this on behalf of the accounting community regarding your characterization of a career in accounting as “a great option for people who just want to be left alone,” or as the Yahoo! reporter Jennifer Berry headlined her article about your book, as a “career for people who don’t like people.”  You have both taken the easy path of succumbing to a tired view that typecasts accountants as bean counting number-crunchers who are people-averse.

I beg to differ.

I’m going to focus on the type of accountant I know best – public accountants or CPAs.  Their existence is founded on the cultivation and nurturing of strong relationships.  A CPA can be brilliant in his/her work and incredibly innovative in counseling clients but these attributes are of little use if the CPA fails to establish a close working relationship with clients, inspiring leadership and mentoring to the firm’s staff and helpfulness to their clients’ attorneys and bankers.  Ninety percent of a CPAs new clients originate from existing clients and referral sources.  Do you think these people would refer clients to a CPA who comes across as one who dislikes being with people?

Ask clients to describe their CPA, which I have been doing for 24 years.  You’ll hear things like: “One of the people I like the best is my CPA” or “I can’t think of anyone I would rather go out to dinner with than my CPA” or “Easy to work with” or “My CPA has played a meaningful role in my life.”  With the exception of recession years, the vast majority of CPA firms generate more revenue every year than they did the year before.  Clients rarely fire their CPA firm.  Would clients want to rehire their CPA year after year if they came across as anti-social?

Ask any successful CPA firm what attribute of their personnel is valued the highest.  It’s not brilliant accounting and tax expertise.  It’s not rainmaking.  It’s not willingness to work long hours. It is interpersonal skills.

Baby boomer CPAs by the thousands are approaching normal retirement age and choosing to keep on working.  It’s not because they need the money.  It’s not because their firm needs them to stay.  It’s because they realize that they enjoy what they do, mainly because of the love affair they have with their clients.  And they don’t want this to end.  Does this sound like the kind of person who doesn’t like being with people?

I’m quite sure that an examination of corporation Chief Financial Officers, Treasurers and Controllers would yield similar findings.  Their stakeholders are their staffs, top management and key external people such as stockholders, investment bankers, attorneys, bankers and vendors.  The careers of these people would have been doomed before they got started if these accountants didn’t like being with people.

In stereotyping accountants you have grouped yourself with people who say things like:

  • Blondes are stupid.
  • Arabs are terrorists.
  • All generals love war.
  • The wealthy are elitist.
  • Lawyers are shysters.
  • Artists starve.

You get the picture.  Sure, accountants have an image problem.  Uninformed people might think of accountants as nerds.   Well-informed people, including writers who do their research, know better.

Someone once said “the most sincere form of flattery is an insult.”

Thank you, Ms. Ancowitz.

Very truly yours,

Marc Rosenberg CPA

Marc Rosenberg is a nationally known consultant, author and speaker on CPA firm management.   He is President of his own consulting firm, Rosenberg Associates, Ltd., based in the Chicago area.  For the past eight years in a row, Accounting Today has acknowledged Marc Rosenberg as one of the 100 most influential people in the CPA profession.  INSIDE Public Accounting has recognized Marc as one of the most recommended CPA firm consultants in the country. 

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  1. Greg Hammonds on July 24, 2012 at 1:12 pm

    Well said! As usual!

  2. Edi Osborne on July 24, 2012 at 1:29 pm

    Thank YOU Mark! Accounting is a “people” business. Accountants are working hard (especially in recent years) to overcome the stereotype that has long been associated with the profession. I am so glad you stood up for the profession so eloquently. Well done!

    Edi Osborne

  3. Sandra Wiley on July 24, 2012 at 2:57 pm

    LOVE IT…
    Well said!

    Thanks Marc

  4. Ken Bean on July 24, 2012 at 3:07 pm

    It is somewhat insulting to be classed as an anti-social misfit. While I am not a jet setting flamboyant rock star, I am also not a stick in the mud anti social individual. I applaud your response to this article. If I did not have “people skills” I would never keep a single client. From a 12+ year public accountant professional.

  5. Rita Keller on July 24, 2012 at 3:34 pm

    Marc – Thank-you for “fighting the good fight” on behalf of all of us who work with and for CPAs. Accountants, and especially CPAs, are in the “people game” for sure and they stay in the game because of the people they care about. Too bad the stereotype lingers.

  6. richard fischman on July 25, 2012 at 12:57 pm

    Good for you Marc!! and Thank You!

  7. Nancy Ancowitz on July 31, 2012 at 12:04 pm

    Excerpt from an e-mail I sent to Marc Rosenberg last week:

    First, thank you for taking the time to share your views. I can appreciate that you feel strongly about the hazards of stereotyping the accounting profession. I apologize if you were offended by anything I said in the article — and I’m sure my colleagues at Yahoo! Education would feel the same.

    Next, you started your argument to me and the president of Yahoo! by mistakenly attributing the following to me: “Are you happier focusing on spreadsheets versus listening to coworkers or customers talking all day? [If so] Consider career options in accounting.” I did not say that nor was it attributed to me in the article.

    I appreciate the accountants I’ve known for being detail oriented, well-informed, and dedicated to their clients. So, as you correctly pointed out, relationships are essential to their success. From my perspective, if accountants happen to be the life of the party, that’s fine, but that’s not mainly why they’re hired. Instead, I see the trust they build with their clients as well as their expertise and experience as core to their lasting working relationships.

  8. Jennifer Berry on August 2, 2012 at 10:47 am

    Hello, Marc

    This is Jennifer Berry, author of the article you mention here. First, I’m very sorry it offended you. It was not my intention to besmirch accountants at all.

    As a writer (another profession which is often painted with the “anti-social” brush) I am often challenged to come up with headlines that grab a reader’s attention. It was my hope that this article title would pique readers’ interest and draw them into the meat of the article.

    As you’ll note, “writer” was another profession listed in the article. I don’t dislike people myself, far from it! I love hanging out with family and friends. And professionally, everything I do is about communicating with – and hopefully helping – my audience, which I think you’ll agree is also the aim of most professions listed in the article.

    The gist of the article – and it’s my failing, not Nancy’s, if this didn’t come across clearly – is that there are some people who prefer the “life of the mind” aspects of our jobs over jobs that requires constant interaction with people. Yes, of course we work with people. But there are also moments where we go away and do some work alone.

    I hope this helps clarify what I was aiming for in the article. Again, I apologize for any negative feelings my article may have aroused.

    I hope you have a good week, and I wish you much success in your endeavors.

    Jennifer Berry

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